Grant Application

Each year our foundation is committed to awarding funds to local organizations who are dedicated to serving our community’s most exceptional youth across the entire spectrum. We are interested in hearing how we at Mother Bear can best serve your organization.


An online application and a printed copy are necessary for each applicant. Please mail paper copies to:
Mother Bear Foundation
PO Box 597
Evansville, IN 47708


* Please note, we are unable to accept Google Doc files for online applications. Formats such as Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word, Excel, or other Microsoft-compatible files are acceptable.

*All applications must be post dated by August 31st, each calendar year.

*Eligibility for funding requires that your organization meets the standards of the IRS 501(c) (3) tax exemption. Your signature on this application affirms that your organization meets this requirement. If approved, you will receive a grant acceptance letter followed by a grant agreement form. The Mother Bear Foundation reserves the right to inquire as to updates and results as this project progresses and is completed.

*Feel free to attach additional paperwork should the application not provide you enough space to detail the information requested.

*Mother Bear does not provide grant money for general administrative budget items such as salaries and benefits, staffing needs, transportation, hotel accommodations, food, brick and mortar construction, or building improvements of any kind. All grant requests must directly benefit children.